



太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 recently partnered with Fort Lewis College and Southwest Colorado Accelerator Program for Entrepreneurs (SCAPE) to bring hit TV show Shark Tank-style opportunities to high school and college student competitors, 还有当地的企业家.



鹰坦克 is a competition where high school and college student contestants enter their business plans with a chance to win startup cash to turn their business dreams into a reality. The contestants will receive professional guidance and mentorship from local businesses in addition to attending interactive virtual workshops covering a range of topics from pitching business ideas to revenue forecasting.

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 has two competitions student contestants can enter – a college track and a high school track.

高中获奖者可以获得最高2美元的奖金,太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站基金会向太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站提供奖学金,最高可达8美元,000美元的奖学金给路易斯堡学院. 高中生也可以赢得高达500美元的现金奖励.

通过大学轨道, 学生们互相竞争,赢得最高5美元的奖金,最好的商业计划. 在最后一轮大奖中, the first-place team from Fort Lewis College and 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 compete against each other for another $5,000年奖, 总奖金是十美元,000.

学生团队在2月份注册,并将在3月底提交他们的商业创意. 高中和大学比赛的获胜者将于4月公布. 更多太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站鹰坦克的信息可以在 zi63.com/hawktank.


SCAPE serves as a business accelerator for entrepreneurs, similar to the hit TV show Shark Tank. 原产于科罗拉多州西南部, SCAPE将商业机会扩展到新墨西哥州西北部,形成了四角景观, 哪个是太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的合作伙伴, 法明顿市, 圣胡安县, 和四角经济发展.

SCAPE将公司与导师联系起来, 技术援助, 以及获得发展所需的资金. SCAPE的使命是帮助启动和推动当地创造就业机会的企业. All companies accepted into the program will be eligible for small investments to help develop the business. 截至1月底,共有51家公司提交了申请,其中19家来自圣胡安县. 那些被接受参加为期六个月的加速器项目的人将远程参与.

到目前为止, SCAPE与35家企业合作,帮助他们筹集了2400多万美元,创造了152个就业岗位. 2021 brings a year of expansion and increased opportunities for Southwest Colorado and Northwest 新墨西哥.

“We are excited to partner with each of these entities to bring new business venture opportunities to our students and the community,太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站院长说, Dr. 托尼·霍珀·彭德格拉斯. “Together we can enhance economic growth and provide support services that strengthen businesses through entrepreneurship, 培训和拓展.”

3 - 4月通讯员


Staff member standing in front of SJC table display with information banner and Native American rug in background太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的最新举措, 关怀的校园, 将客户服务和对学生成功的支持提升到一个新的水平.

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站一直关心学生和他们的成功. 布默·阿普尔曼,公司副总裁 学生服务. “然而, 有了这个新计划, 教职员工正在学习如何更有效地为学生服务, 只需通过提高客户服务体验.”

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 applied in the fall of 2019 to be a part of the 关怀的校园 Initiative through the Institute for Evidence Based Change (IEBC). IEBC是一个全国公认的非营利组织,帮助大学员工利用数据, 协作和指导,以改善日常实践,以提高学生的成功. 该计划由Acendiun教育慈善基金会资助. 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站是少数几个被选中参加的学院之一.


The 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 关怀的校园 team is comprised of frontline employees in student support departments such as 金融援助, 业务办公室, 招生,和 美洲原住民中心以及其他专注于学生联系的院系.

“当学生们感到有联系, 他们在整个教育过程中变得更加投入,并获得更大的成功,阿普尔曼继续说道。. “我们的前线员工发挥着至关重要的作用,他们是培养积极向上的人才的关键。, 信任关系,帮助学生获得并保持成功之路.”

 作为过程的一部分, the 关怀的校园 Team identified behaviors and actions that would promote excellent customer service both in person and virtually. Examples of traditional behaviors included wearing nametags or ‘Ask Me’ buttons and hosting events to introduce campus support staff and programs.


Virtual behaviors entail simple actions such as employees giving their name at the beginning of a phone conversation. 另一种虚拟行为包括提供“热情推荐”.在这种情况下, an employee would call ahead to introduce a student and their need before transferring them to another department, 避免学生重复他们打电话的原因.

“虽然许多员工可能已经表现出这些行为, enhancing the awareness through the 关怀的校园 initiative helps to increase the effectiveness and creates an environment of excellence,阿普尔曼解释道. “这, 反过来, 传达出我们关心学生的信息,最重要的是, 他们的个人成功.”

在学院的春季会议上,演讲嘉宾,Dr. 希莉娅维. 来自IEBC的White-Daniels向太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站介绍了关爱校园倡议. She spoke to employees about how they can serve students with very simple and “caring” actions. White-Daniels works as a 关怀的校园 coach for the Institute and has visited 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 prior to the pandemic. As a 关怀的校园 coach, White- Daniels will assist 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 in furthering the initiative.

3 - 4月通讯员


托尼·彭德格拉斯倚着栏杆站在外面. 背景中的树.

虽然过去的一年看起来与我们所有人的预期都不一样, there has been one thing that has remained constant – 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站’s commitment to serve our students and our community.

 在这一期的通讯员, you will find an array of stories showcasing how 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 employees and students have adapted to this ever-changing environment. 我真的为我们所有人继续前进感到自豪, 关注未来, 并相互加强和授权.



我们正在通过消除障碍来帮助我们的学生取得成功. 例如,这学期我们开始了 回到你的未来, 债务延期计划, 以便太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的未偿债务学生能够完成学业. 我们与他们合作制定付款计划, while providing them with the support to overcome challenges or obstacles that may have hindered their academic success.

我们的封面故事是一个名为 关怀的校园. Enhancing the way we provide customer service helps students not only have a positive experience at 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站, 但这也让他们走上成功之路.

本期, you will also read more about how we have discovered engaging ways to do business and serve our community virtually. 一个例子是 四角税务帮助, where those who are of low to moderate income can receive personalized help with their tax returns without leaving their home. 志愿者和 会计 学生通过电子邮件、电话或视频电话帮助人们.


通过 two unique partnerships with Fort Lewis College and Southwest Colorado Accelerator Program for Entrepreneurs (SCAPE), we are providing exciting opportunities for our students and community members to create and expand new and existing businesses in our area. 你可以阅读更多太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站这些冒险的信息 这期的第5页.

说到伙伴关系,在过去的一年里, 我们还与新墨西哥州卫生部协调努力. 组织了一场全国性的活动 COVID检测站点 在我们的校园举办疫苗接种诊所 健康和人类表现中心,我们很感激有机会以这种身份为社会服务.


虽然有许多挑战,但也有许多值得庆祝的理由. 我们的2020 护理 毕业生都通过了执照考试, 因此,他们可以在社区最需要他们的时候进入医疗保健领域. 在第4页,你可以读到我们的学生在我们最新的一个项目中取得的成功 小型无人机系统(无人机). 每位首次入学的学生都通过了联邦航空管理局的考试. 这让他们走上了成为无人机飞行员的道路, 在哪里他们可以在各种高薪行业工作.

随着我们继续前进,相互加强, I encourage you to pursue the many opportunities that will further a positive change in your future. 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站在这里与你一起走向成功.

记住,你的成功很重要. 请注意安全,保持身体健康.

3 - 4月通讯员


《太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站》在太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站,白底彩色字体对一些学生来说, the spring 2021 semester was a chance to get back to their educational goals with the implementation of a new 债务延期计划 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站, 被称为 回到你的未来. The program was designed to re-engage and re-enroll former students who could not enroll due to outstanding debt to 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站.

通过 回到你的未来, 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 staff works with students to create an affordable payment plan that allows them to enroll in classes and finish their degree or certificate. 学生有资格参加 回到你的未来 program also receive additional support from staff throughout the completion of their education, 让他们顺利毕业.


同时帮助学生们继续他们的教育, 这个新项目的好处还包括重新获得失去的入学人数, 以及, 增加完成学位和证书的人数.

“不仅仅是产生超过学生旧债务的当前学杂费, 超出了我们的预期,旧债最终会得到偿还...真正的成功来自 《太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站》 把22名学生带回到他们之前在SJC开始的道路上,爱德华·德斯普拉斯说, 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站执行副校长. 这是这个项目正在创造的22个早期“双赢”故事.”

今年春季学期,22名符合条件的学生参加了债务延期计划. 这些学生总共修了208个学分. 参与者持有的旧债务总计超过1.5万美元. The tuition and fees generated for SJC through participants in the spring 2021 semester was more than $18,500.

了解更多有关 回到你的未来 债务延期计划 zi63.com/backtoyourfuture 或致电505-566-3320

3 - 4月通讯员